Another week gone….
And still behind on “stuff” I should have done ๐
Acquired a new phone (for work) this week, our mobile mail client is changing (still no BlackBerry sadly) so decided on a Sony Ericsson C902. So far so good, it appears to do what it says on the tin, and since the mail client is only “officially” supported on S/E phones, it couldn’t be anything other than an S/E. Don’t really fancy the Walkman range since I don’t listen to music (at least not on my phone), but having a good camera (it’s 5MP’s on the C902) is a nice feature to have.
The run of “The Secret Garden” is in full swing, last two performances today. So far so good, although there have been a couple of drop-offs with a none function of a smoke machine and a pipe blowing off the water feature. Hopefully all resolved now. I had the luxury of actually watching it one night and even though I’m not a great watcher I did really enjoy it. The standard of acting / singing in the Youth Theatre seems to get better year on year. Well done to all involved. After spending three weeks building it, it all gets pulled out tonight though.
My finger is still hurting from cricket last week, not as bad though, and not as black, but I’m due to play again tomorrow (Sunday) for the 3rd’s. Just been to drop Mikey off for the 2nd’s game and that’s been called off. There’s more rain forecast, so I guess tomorrow looks doubtful.
Approaching a very busy time with work now, but I prefer it that way than quiet (not that it ever is), some new challenges to overcome with the new operation, but I’m sure everything will be fine. All being well, looking foward to an extended break over Christmas.
My new golf clubs that were bought for my birthday have finally arrived too, just need to find time to go and pick them up and give them a whirl, they’re supposed to a custom fit so I’m expecting an improvement in my game! Need to play at least three medal rounds next year to avoid my handcap becoming inactive.
Right, time for a spot of lunch before the theatre.